Description: Augustin Calmet, 1725 Holland
Caption: Plate: ‘David raadplegende met den hogenpriester door den Ephod.’ (David and the high Priest wearing an Ephod consulting an oracle). An ephod was an article of clothing, and a worship object, in ancient Israelite culture, and was closely connected with oracular practices. by Augustines Calmet, published in Leiden, Amsterdam, by Samuel Luchtmans, R. & J. Wetstein en Smith 1725-1731. This is a reknown encyclopaedic dictionary on all aspects of the history, geography and culture of the Bible and Biblical times. This Dutch translation originates from Calmet’s work in French including: ‘Commentaire litteral sur tous les livres de l’Ancien et du Nouveau Testament …’, first published in Paris in 1707. 11.4 x 19.1 Inch

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