Sacrifice on Sukkot (Feast of the Tabernacle), in the First Holy Temple in JerusalemHolidays, Holy Temples20190124043400
Antique Print of the Constuction of the Tabernacle in the Desert and the Sacred VesselssHoly Temples20190124035400
A Cross Section of the Foundations of the Temple where We Can See the Interior of the Caves and their Placement.Holy Temples20190124035200
The Expeditionary Army of the 12 Tribes of Israel under the four Chief-BannersHoly Temples20190124035100
Vue & Description de la Ville de Jerusalem telle qu’elle est Aujourd’hui avec les TombeauxHoly Temples20190124032600
Coupe, et Profil du Temple de Jérusalem par Hérodes le Grand (Temple of Jerusalem by Herod the Great)Holy Temples20190124032500
Veuë, et Evélation du Temple de Salomon (bird’s-eye view of Solomon’s Temple)Holy Temples20190124032400
Sacrae aedis sciographiae pars. / Templi cum porticu et cellis absoluta orthographia (Accurate delineation of the Temple of Solomon)Holy Temples20190124032300
Sacrae aedis sciographiae pars. / Templi cum porticu et cellis absoluta orthographia (Accurate delineation of the Temple of Solomon)Holy Temples20190124032200
Exterior Tabernaculi Eiusqtabularum Vectium ac Basium Aspectus (Closeup of the coverings of a tabernacle)Holy Temples20190124031900
The High Priest’s White Robe Worn on the Great Day of Expiation – Yom KippurHoly Temples20190124030600
One of the Ten Wheeled Movable Basin – Un des Dix Bassins d’Airain du Temps de Salomon qui Servaient à laver les Victimes, les VasesHoly Temples20190124025500